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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 6(5)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 6

At this time, the windows suddenly shattered, and the chill wind and snow blasted in. The fire was extinguished. The door crashed open, but nothing entered but the cold and the snow. Karrson felt the temperature drop dramatically as his only source of warmth, the fire, was now gone. The bone-chilling cold gradually drove the numbness from him, and he slowly felt his body return to him. A while later, he found his appendages movable again, and pushed himself up. He felt like a long crippled man suddenly able to walk again, and with every step he took strength slowly returned to his legs. He surveyed the room. Empty, save the armchair and the now cold and dusty hearth. Chill wind howled outside. He could hink of nothing else to do save to leave now. He walked out the door, and felt the chill fingers of the wind on his body, and he was soon freezing cold, and of warmth he could find no memory. He turned back, wishing to shelter himself from the wind in the cabin again, but found that it was not there. All that was behind him was a wall of flying flakes, obscuring everything behind it.