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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 4

2024-03-27 来源:百合文库

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 4

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“I think, whatever is up there,” Hunter said, shouldering his rifle and aiming up“has noticed us already. Hear the sound?”
“Yes. It would be easy to notice a bunch of loud humans that shine lights on your webs, and stand there foolishly. Let us go!” Emmerich said, and took off down the slippery corridor, splashing water as he went. The company followed him. Any noise they made could be heard by the enemy at this proximity, so they traded the now useless stealth for speed. Soon they saw a right turn ahead, and Emmerich disappeared around it first, with Karrson just behind, the rest following a short distance behind. Moments after Emmerich rounded the corner Karrson heard him shout:

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 4
