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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8(20)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库
“OH DAMN!” Hunter shouted. “Take a look at this!” Everyone came to his side.
Before them was what looked like a medium sized aircraft, not a helicopter but a full-sized aircraft. The cabin was roughly the same size of the helicopters out side. What was peculiar about this plane, apart from its very science-fiction-like styling, is the fact that at the end of each wing, was mounted a large thruster-like cylinder, the middle of which was hollow. This was the only one in the room.
“Great,” Hunter said. “Looks like we shall have to entrust ourselves to a Giavoni prototype aircraft.” He peeked into the cockpit. “Emmerich, you actually know how to fly this?”

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8

“Of course not!” He replied. “But what other choice is available? We shall have to make do.”
“Is this even ready? What if it is half finished or unfueled?” Karrson asked.
“Actually, we need not worry about this,” Clark said. “They were planing to give this model its final test flight before mass production on that day., so it is both ready and fueled. It has a name, GAV-101-12C. It is a dull registration number, so I heard that guys at R&D gave it a better name.”