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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter IV part 1

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter IV part 1

“July eighth, 2044. I am addressing this recording to the people of Caterpool, those that are willig to believe, anyway. The source of the Ground Zero Incident is not from elsewhere, whether it be space or and enemy nation, or whatever that you guys have come up with, but verily from ourselves. Giavoni Innovations. That’s the keyword. Yes, their building was destroyed when the explosion occurred, but that’s only one of their many HQs worldwide, and God knows how many more underground laboratories they’ve got. I don’t know much, but what is happening here is something that has never been witnessed before, something Giavoni found, or maybe made, I am not clear. I can tell you this, everything you have seen is caused by a phenomenon they refer to as ‘Distortion’, and the effects of this phenomenon is quite obvious, as you can tell from the name, the distortion of the physical world. Space. Time. Laws of physics. Our rules no longer apply to them. They change without pattern, or at least none in our field of knowledge. With is phenomenon comes other more perilous things. Objects in Distortion give off a type of ray, we call it ‘Distortional Radiation’, an easy enough name. And akin to all rays it is caused by particles in motion, particles we named ‘Distortons’. So, as you might have deduced, yes, this phenomenon will spread. In the laboratories we have found perhaps an only temporary way to contain or obstruct its spread, but it is far from ready for practical use. The discovery of this phenomenon opened a brand new doorway to micro-physics, and to a wholly unseen part of the rules of our world. This showed that we were wrong. The world didn’t have to work like how we perceived it to. This is ground-breaking, sky-shaking shite here, you know. But you don’t know, do you? Not until I told you a few seconds ago. That’s because Giavoni kept it classified, for their close cooperation with the government forbid them to do so. The military are a group of uncouth people, and I despise them greatly. They only saw its unmatched property of destruction in the labs, and some genius of theirs proposed to weaponize it. To weaponize something we can’t comprehend even the skin of, with the feeble technology as we have! And the Giavoni board members, being a bunch of money-seeking opportunist lunatics, actually sign a contract with them! They just gave too much, I guess. How the Ground Zero Incident came to be I have no clue, but I can at least say that the responsibility of it will not leave Giavoni and the military. Of course, what am I am thinking. Responsibility? No one will take it. Deception, that’s what governments are best at, yes. They will just cover it up. None will know. Except me. I am the flaw in their abominable plan, whatever it’s starting intentions may be. I know their secrets, and for the sake of mankind I will expose them. I am doing this regardless of my personal safety, because you may or may not know that Giavoni has quite a bit of private arms. My intentions of making a recording as such is to pass the knowledge down, should I meet ill fortune, so listen up, people of Caterpool. Here are your tips of survival that you must cling on to. First, trust the military not. Whatever they say, it ain’t true. Evacuation? No, quarantine. You will not be allowed back home or out of the city after what has taken place. It is unclear what they will do to you, but it’s not gonna be holiday. Just run, and stay together. Second, don’t breathe the air openly outdoors. Avoid contact with the dust and anything that seems to be in Distortion. Third, find weapons, to both counter the military and...well...other things. We did do biological tests with Distortion Radiation, and the results were not enlightening. Animals mutated quickly, and became very aggressive. Unlike normal radiation mutations, Distortion Radiation tends to not cause major lethal deflects in their systems, but made them, well, quite horrifying and aggressive. Our experiments showed that a sudden large dose of exposure usually killed the organisms, so it might be a while before you see something. But you must be ready. Forth, what do you do? Escape the city? Yes, it may seem that you will be infecting other cities with the same condition at first, but soon you will find that incidents similar to Ground Zero here will start to occur in may places all the same. You must go, and attempt to warn them before hand, if it be possible. I am Dr. Ivan Kater, leading researcher on the Distortion Phenomenon, and to those who don’t think I am mad, farewell, and be safe.”