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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VII part 1

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VII part 1

Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
They were in the air now, momentarily safe. Wind rushed through a broken window, whistling in his ears. Where they were heading he did nor know for sure, for Emmerich has yet to inform them of the location of this so-called “Weathertop”. He looked out of the window beside him.
The city, or at least what was once the city, passed swiftly under them, some a hundred meters below. The buildings within Ground Zero were almost totally leveled, leaving only rubble and debris. The scene of carnage was worse than when they had come. The wall surrounding Ground Zero was gone, leaving only a narrow depression of clear ground in the land where it once stood. The buildings they passed were all abandoned and fallen into dotage: the walls fell, the windows enlarged themselves, the wood corrupted, the roofs collapsed, and paint faded and peeled. Caterpool was dead, the once prosperous and blooming city of hope, home to millions; now only a corroded gray and black shell of cement, a dying monument of what used to be the human civilization that gradually sank into the earth. The dust fell still in Ground Zero, but with every step they put between them and it, the dust fall slowly died down, until it was put a small and scarce fall of fine dust. Streets were littered with abandoned vehicles, some upright, some flipped, but all rusty and covered in dust. They passed over Karrson’s school, and for a brief moment he saw it, a mass of crumbling cement buildings, half buried in black mud. The once white buildings now dirty gray, and the orange dots on them now were like hints of rust on an old steel pipe. Dead. Just dead and lifeless. The entire city was like this, a crumbling cemetery that buried countless souls. What had they done do deserve this? Nothing. It was merely brought upon them. Karrson feared that the whole world was now like this.