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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8(16)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库
“And hope for the best.” Clark followed. “So, what do you say, chaps? Do we take a risk and see what is inside; or do we play it safe and leave by car?”
They fell silent. To Karrson this whole affair felt...absurd. Unreal. Since when did people have to think twice for the sake of their own lives before opening a...door? Now that they had reached the surface, everything said before became more real to him. He was not in a dream. Mankind dwindled, whether he wanted or not. He couldn’t just pause and leave, because this was not a...game, or a film, or a book. This was his life. He will now live a life of exile and pain, without a home. Oh yes, he had missed his home. Of course, he knew his home was now likely nothing more than cement rubble, but still, when he was underground, it seemed unreal to him that it could simply disappear off the face off the Earth, without him seeing it. Now that the open sky was above him, and a hint of what the rest of the world could be like seen, it became real to him. There was no going back. He knew naught of his family’s whereabouts, nor his friends from the past, a past so near yet so remote in comparison to now that he was not sure whether it was all true or not. Somehow, as he came to comprehension, two days ago he was still a high school student, newly arrived at his new school; and now after two days of life and death struggle, he emerged again into the light, not to find respite and comfort, but loss. He had lost it all, his home, his family, his old life; Everything but himself, emotionally alone, in a brave new world. Why? Who did this to him? What did he do to deserve this? Because he was born just in time for this ill fate! Just because he...WAS THERE! Just because he existed, WHEN THE WORLD ENDED! BAD LUCK was all it was!