另一部库特纳的神话秘传突然出现在《海德拉》(Hydra)中,即《蹉贺耶⑩仪式》(the Chhaya Ritual)(也出现在《狩猎》(The Hunt)中)。我们不得不再次翻阅布拉瓦茨基夫人的作品。这次我们在《秘密教义》第二卷的第十七页,密密麻麻的《兹延之书》引述中,找到了我们要找的内容:
此段原文:The Seven Hosts, the Will-Born Lords, propelled by the spirit of life-giving, separated men from themselves, each on his own zone. Seven times seven shadows of future men were born, each of his own colour and kind. Each inferior to his father. The fathers, the boneless, could give no life to being with bones. Their progeny were Bhuta, with neither form or mind. Therefore they are called the Chhaya a shadow with no sense.
此段原文:The Seven Hosts, the Will-Born Lords, propelled by the spirit of life-giving, separated men from themselves, each on his own zone. Seven times seven shadows of future men were born, each of his own colour and kind. Each inferior to his father. The fathers, the boneless, could give no life to being with bones. Their progeny were Bhuta, with neither form or mind. Therefore they are called the Chhaya a shadow with no sense.