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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8(8)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库
Eventually, they stopped. Emmerich pulled them one by one to a maintenance tunnel besides the ladder. Karrson’s arms shock as he was pulled in by Emmerich. They crowded themselves together in the tunnel, not daring to open the door on the other side that led into the facility.
“See? It is not so difficult as you first thought. We are already half way through through.”
“And my limbs are already shaking.” Hunter said, as he massaged his arms, back against his rucksack. “We don’t even know what’s going to be waiting for us on level one...”

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8

“We shall find out when we get there.”
They shared some food and water, rested, and made ready to go again.
“From this point on our rests shall have to become more more frequent. Do not give up, for I believe we have all not gone this far just to die, a step away from success.”
Ah, Karrson thought, as he felt the familiar steel of the ladder on his hand once more. Here we go again. They continued on, but each level felt longer and longer, and their strength was sapped more quickly than before. They wanted to call for a rest again when they reached level three, but was refused by Emmerich. They did not leave the ladder until they had stepped foot on level two.