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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8(7)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库
At first it was easy, and the ascended at a fair pace. As they reached the door marking the end of level eight and the start of level seven, Karrson felt as if his rucksack had become heavier, though he had cleared it before starting, and it felt as if the stifling hazmat suit was dragging his limbs down. His legs felt alright, but his shoulders and waist grew increasingly sour. He could hear Clark breathing heavily above him.

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8

Eventually level seven passed, and six as well. Half-way through level five, Clark stopped above him. Karrson, not noticing his sudden stop, nearly rammed into him.
“Emmerich!” He shouted to the man above. “I can’t go no further for the moment. Call a rest will’ ya?” His face glittered with sweat. Karrson found that he himself was the same, and that his visor was slightly fogged. “Hold on a little longer, Clark,” Emmerich’s voice floated down from above. “We shall rest when we get to level four!” He continued upward. Clark cursed under his breath at no one in particular, but kept climbing after the ones above.

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8
