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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VII part 4

2024-03-25 来源:百合文库

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VII part 4

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It was with a heavy heart that Karrson embarked the speedboat, carrying the machine gun they had dismantled from the roof, the very one that killed Clare, with Hunter as they deposited it at the front. They had no time to bury Clare’s body, yet they did not want his body to be torn apart and eaten by whatever that roamed these parts. In the end they resolved painfully to throw it into the river, where it would would be quickly degraded by the acids. “What comes from nature must one day return to it,” Emmerich had said. None of them knew what to say for him, but they had offered a moment of silence, the company standing by the river solemnly. They had then set about scavenging the building, collecting what little supplies that were stashed there in hast. They now each had a gun, as a few M4 carbines were found, along with some ammunition. They then refueled the speedboat, and was now boarding. It was oped-aired, with no cabin, merely a small windscreen set before the steering wheel, behind which now sat Emmerich. He pushed a button, and the mighty engine of the speedboat roared to life, the water behind them bubbling and boiling. Emmerich then drove them out of the confines of the building, and into the open river. He pushed the throttle forward, and the powered along the open waterway, gaining great speed even against the swift current.