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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII(10)

2024-03-25 来源:百合文库

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII

“How long has it been since you escaped?” Emmerich asked, looking around.
“Not long, actually. We arrived here only about a week previously. I apologize for not waiting, but a chance came before you did, and for my own sake I had to seize it. I grouped up with fifteen other employees in the facility, but only ten made it here. Camping on Weathertop and waiting for you seemed absurd having witnessed the world now, but I had to do it, against the wishes of my companions. We came and found this, a readily-made encampment, but it seemed to be abandoned, so we took it up. We availed ourselves of such resources that we could find out here, but it was becoming difficult to remain here, the conditions being too inhospitable. If I had not insisted upon waiting a while longer, we would have left days ago.”

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII
