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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII(11)

2024-03-25 来源:百合文库
“Your patience has now come to fruition, but wait no longer! We must make leave at once. Gather the crew and equipment as quickly as can manage!” Emmerich said with urgency in his voice. “There is no time to explain, and we have Giavoni hot on our trail.” He took off, pulling Dr. Kater behind him.
Karrson walked to the side and sat down, his back against a large boulder. Hunter came and sat beside him. Clark and Sanders wondered off. He could see Emmerich and Dr. Kater calling the others together. The two groups were much the same, being ordinary men who were lucky enough to escape the disaster.

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII

“Jesus,” he said. “I guess no one is having a good time. Turns out they are no better than us. I thought they had established a colony or something at first.”
“No, I suppose not,” Karrson answered wearily. “The builders of his place probably abandoned it verily due to the fact that these woods are simply not the place for a settlement. This places is too small, anyway.”
“Time has also become unpredictable now,” Hunter said, looking around. “There was time time for them to build and even abandon this place before Dr. Kater came. I wonder what that may mean.”