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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII(4)

2024-03-25 来源:百合文库
“What about your brother now? Do you know where he might be?” Hunter asked quietly.
Emmerich lowered his head. “Sadly, no. I hope to hear something from Dr. Kater. We became separated long before the incident, for various reasons. I was unable contrive of a meeting with him, though I wished to, for his work and status was classified. It was Dr. Kater who came and sought my help, thus involving me into this affair. I repent myself of not having arranged a meeting with him earlier, when such a thing was still possible.”

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII

The company fell silent for a while.
Eventually, Emmerich rose again.
“The time has come. You may hear my story told in full when we find a moment of respite, which is not now. We must put the past behind us, and embrace what will be. Let us go!”
And so, the company drew their weary bodies from the up once more, and headed on, now jogging uphill on the path, with Clark supporting Sanders.
The ground climbed beneath Karrson’s feet, making each step more difficult than the previous, as his legs burnt and he struggled to breathe. His rucksack and equipment dragged him down, and sweat socked his clothes. The visor on his mask fogged up, and the world was now seen through a curtain of half transparent whiteness, appearing oddly distant. After what felt like an eternity of pain, Emmerich slowed and then finally stopped, bending his back down and catching his breathe. Karrson dropped to the ground, supporting himself on his knees and arms, and pulled his gas mask off. He evened his breathing slowly, as he watched beads of sweat drip themselves from his head to the grass-grown ground. It was much the same for every other member of the company save Emmerich, with Clark puffing and breathing the most heavily, being slightly heavier than healthy. “God...” He said amid his struggled breaths, “do we really have to go that quickly...?”