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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII(3)

2024-03-25 来源:百合文库
As the company rested, Emmerich revealed to them at last the origin of such a hill.
“Back then, when we were still young men who had only just gotten jobs,” Emmerich said, “my brother and his friend Dr. Kater would bring me along and go camping in these woods, when we were free.Us three were very good friends then. Once we came across this hill, with a very flat and wide top, taller than all other hills around it, and we decided to stay there for the night. We sat on its top, watching the orange sunset, as it painted every leaf and blade of grass gold. Peace was in the air, a scene second in fairness to none that I have ever seen, sheer beauty. My brother, being a book nerd, wished to give it a name. After some thinking, he decided on the name ‘Weathertop’ from the Lord of the Rings, for its similarity in shape. We would then visit the place every time we came.”

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII

“But as work gradually became busy, we stopped coming, so being back here,” Emmerich looked around and took a deep breath of the air through his gas mask, “is like excavating some long buried ruin. A ruin of sweet memories, from long ago yet not so long ago.”