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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII(13)

2024-03-25 来源:百合文库
Karrson sighed and looked up into the gray sky. Noon had come and passed, and the light was weaker.
There was commotion on the other side of the encampment. Looking over, Karrson saw that everyone was assembled, ready for departure. Emmerich led the group towards the gates. A figure hurried forward towards them, breaking away from the group. It was Dr. Kater.
“Hello, um..Emily, is your name?” He said to Karrson, standing by him. “Emmerich told me that you were given the recorder.”
“Yes,” Karrson replied as he rose. “Do you need it back?” He asked as he reached for his rucksack.

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII

“No, no. You must keep it, and keep it safe! Its importance is beyond measure. There is more to it than meets the eye, as you have probably already discovered. I shall find a time to explain.”
Dr. Kater pulled Karrson close and whispered into his ear.
“If ever you feel lost, remember that guidance lies in your heart.”
He patted Karrson on he shoulder. “Emmit chose you for a reason, Emily. We may have a long and perilous journey before us that leads into darkness and mist, but do not ever lose faith. So much depends on us, and we cannot simply give in.”