The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 3(6)
2023-12-20 来源:百合文库
“How about we just...wait for a while?” Karrson proposed. “Maybe it will leave.”
“Wise choice, but what if it doesn’t? We have to consider all possible outcomes and plot a way out.” Emmerich approved.
“Maybe we can just go around it, and get passed before it catches up, should it come after us.”
“That may sound doable, but you have not considered that the road is narrow here, and it we may be hindered by the terrain should we attempt to drive in the rubble, especially rubble that has fallen int Distortion, and may be home to other foes we do not want do directly encounter. This off-roader was made for times like these, but it is not all-powerful.”
“Ramming it would seem rash, when we do not know of this creature’s behaviour, and we cannot avoid it by detouring. Than, perhaps, we destroy it somehow?” Karrson asked nervously. “It does not look invincible to me.”
Emmerich fell into silent thought for a moment. “No. We cannot just shoot it. Not when there are other ways. We can, perhaps, cause a distraction and draw it away. But then we risk waking other foes. Nonetheless, I say this is the best chance we have at avoiding direct combat, which we do not desire.”
“Wise choice, but what if it doesn’t? We have to consider all possible outcomes and plot a way out.” Emmerich approved.
“Maybe we can just go around it, and get passed before it catches up, should it come after us.”
“That may sound doable, but you have not considered that the road is narrow here, and it we may be hindered by the terrain should we attempt to drive in the rubble, especially rubble that has fallen int Distortion, and may be home to other foes we do not want do directly encounter. This off-roader was made for times like these, but it is not all-powerful.”
“Ramming it would seem rash, when we do not know of this creature’s behaviour, and we cannot avoid it by detouring. Than, perhaps, we destroy it somehow?” Karrson asked nervously. “It does not look invincible to me.”
Emmerich fell into silent thought for a moment. “No. We cannot just shoot it. Not when there are other ways. We can, perhaps, cause a distraction and draw it away. But then we risk waking other foes. Nonetheless, I say this is the best chance we have at avoiding direct combat, which we do not desire.”