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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter IV part 2

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter IV part 2

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Many stomping feet, thought Karrson. He followed the long line line of students filing towards the Giavoni transporters. The sound of their feet was the only loud sound to be heard. Many stomping feet heading into unknown destiny, yet he had not the ability to change that. The Giavoni men came fully armed, looking more combat-ready than even the armed forces that had taken up in their school. The Giavoni men asked for absolute silence. They wanted to remain unnoticed by the people who lived in the surrounding areas, keeping their operations secret, giving others on clue that they were involved, and preventing people from guessing what they would do to them when their time came. That’s why they had to do this in the middle of the night. The ceiling suddenly gave away above him, and a sudden gust of chill September wind blow the drowsiness from him. Unlike Hunter behind him, he wasn’t able to get any sleep prior to their extraction. He caught a moist sense in the air. Rain. He thought. The night was unusually dark, as no moon or star could pierce the thick cloud cover above his head. It now extended so vastly that he could see no edge. It was a dark sea, and the great dust pillar had not been idle. It was now out of sight, curtained by the darkness of night. Ideal cover, if he was going to escape tonight. He knew he must not get on the Giavoni transport, and must part with his new friends just a day after they had first met, with the exception of Hunter. He had insisted to go, when Karrson mentioned the matter of slipping away to him. “Look, you are NOT gonna last even a few days out there, if you went alone. I’m coming with you, whatever you say, and save me the ancient ‘I don’t want you to die’ heroism shit. I know what’s at stake here. Besides, you’re gonna need me, cause you won’t even feel normal without me with you now,” smiled Hunter mischievously. “I was actually going to ask whether you were intent on going, you know,” replied Karrson as he pondered what Hunter’s last remark meant. “Oh, still, all the same, I’m leaving with you,” said Hunter, and he crossed his arms. “Any ideas on how we’re gonna make it out of here?”