冰与火之歌卷Ⅰ:权力的游戏中英文双语同步对照版 第9篇 TYRION(4)
2023-11-22 来源:百合文库
Tyrion glanced down and saw the Houndstanding with young Joffrey as squires swarmed around them. “At least he diesquietly,” the prince replied. “It’s the wolf that makes the noise. I could scarcesleep last night.”
Clegane cast a long shadow across thehard-packed earth as his squire lowered the black helm over his head. “I couldsilence the creature, if it please you,” he said through his open visor. Hisboy placed a longsword in his hand. He tested the weight of it, slicing at thecold morning air. Behind him, the yard rang to the clangor of steel on steel.
The notion seemed to delight the prince.“Send a dog to kill a dog!” he exclaimed. “Winterfell is so infested withwolves, the Starks would never miss one.”
Tyrion hopped off the last step onto theyard. “I beg to differ, nephew,” he said. “The Starks can count past six.Unlike some princes I might name.”
Tyrion glanced down and saw the Houndstanding with young Joffrey as squires swarmed around them. “At least he diesquietly,” the prince replied. “It’s the wolf that makes the noise. I could scarcesleep last night.”
Clegane cast a long shadow across thehard-packed earth as his squire lowered the black helm over his head. “I couldsilence the creature, if it please you,” he said through his open visor. Hisboy placed a longsword in his hand. He tested the weight of it, slicing at thecold morning air. Behind him, the yard rang to the clangor of steel on steel.
The notion seemed to delight the prince.“Send a dog to kill a dog!” he exclaimed. “Winterfell is so infested withwolves, the Starks would never miss one.”
Tyrion hopped off the last step onto theyard. “I beg to differ, nephew,” he said. “The Starks can count past six.Unlike some princes I might name.”