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【LGBT/中英双语/原创译文】Him - Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy (Chapter 3)(9)

2023-03-06原创译文 来源:百合文库
“May I help you?” The sales girl is dressed in colonial garb, complete with the bosom-squishing flouncy dress.
“Sure you can, doll.” I lean against the counter in the cockiest way possible, and her eyes open a little wider. “You got anything with kittens on it?”
“Kittens?” Cassel chokes back a laugh. “What the hell for?”
“His team is the tigers.” Duh.
“Sure!” Miss Betsy Ross perks up at the request, probably because this job is boring as fuck. “One sec.”
“What’s the deal?” Cassel tosses the condoms down onto a table. “You never buy me prezzies.”
“Canning and I were summer camp friends. Tight, but we only saw each other for six weeks a year.” A very intense six weeks. “You have friends like that?”