The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 4(3)
2024-03-26 来源:百合文库
“Emily, don’t you accidentally shoot me...” Emmerich breathed as he pulled out his knife to sever the adhesive strings, but they were elastic, and bounded back with every strike, snapping only a few pathetic cords at a time. Still, he hacked and sawed with all his might.
Behind him sounded the booming blasts of Clark’s shotgun and the cracks of gunfire. “They are dropping on us from behind!” He shouted.
“Giant spiders!” Hunter shouted. “A childhood nightmare-come-true!”
“Eat this shit!” The voice of Clare was followed by a swishing sound and a wet crushing sound.
Momentarily the stopped assailing them, finding that they were making no progress but building up an increasingly large mound of dead fellows. They merely pressed in on the company, forcing them to retreat. They seemed to be waiting, though for what they could not conceive. Soon the company was nearly back to back with each other. Karrson swapped his empty magazine.
Behind him sounded the booming blasts of Clark’s shotgun and the cracks of gunfire. “They are dropping on us from behind!” He shouted.
“Giant spiders!” Hunter shouted. “A childhood nightmare-come-true!”
“Eat this shit!” The voice of Clare was followed by a swishing sound and a wet crushing sound.
Momentarily the stopped assailing them, finding that they were making no progress but building up an increasingly large mound of dead fellows. They merely pressed in on the company, forcing them to retreat. They seemed to be waiting, though for what they could not conceive. Soon the company was nearly back to back with each other. Karrson swapped his empty magazine.