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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8(2)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库
“Good. You three made it out alive. Lets get hell out of here!” Clark. A layer of perspiration on his face.
They company took off at once with Emmerich and Clark in the lead.
“Clare left us early. He just ran for hiss life after that...thing came. Donno where he is...” Sanders said. “Screw this shit. I’ll be damned if we cam make it out of this alive.” They rest of them ran without speech. As they fared from the reactor, the rumbling and vibration grew less, and the floor no longer trembled beneath their feet. Whatever the thing was, it was no longer pursuing them. Or had it been on pursuit at all? Karrson did not know. In a quiet hallway they stopped to catch their breath.

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VI part 8

“The hell was that?” Clark asked, puffing.
“I do not know, a D.L, I suppose. Maybe a mutated earthworm. How it became such an enormity I know not, and of what drew it here I know even less. Perhaps the infrasound waves the reactor gave off. Yet the louder would be that made by the pillar of dust in the blast pit. Radiation, maybe. It might have been attracted towards us when the reactor was restarted, and so arrived at such an unfortunate time.”