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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII(7)

2024-03-25 来源:百合文库

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII

“State your name and business. We do not receive many visitors from around here. Do you seek to enter or are you merely passing by?”
“I am Emmerich Noah. We seek to enter. Our affair is urgent, and we must see Dr. Ivan Kater, do you know him? We must meet him. Let him come himself, if it be necessary, for verification. We come in peace.” Emmerich shouted back.
The man leaned to the side, speaking to a fellow. Discussing whether five strangers that seemed to have come from woods uninhabited by man. Karrson suddenly became aware of their own peculiar appearance. Two teenagers wearing bloodied and soiled school uniforms, two people in security guard uniforms, led by a tall stout man in combat overalls, all fully armed. Perhaps rather unfitting to the times and the environment, Karrson thought, though he knew little of what the proper clothing may be for such times. Scavenged clothes, likely. Then they may not be so strange in appearance after all.

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter VIII
