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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 3(2)

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库
“I am fine as well,” said Emmerich. “It is a true miracle indeed, that we have all passed through our first contact with the enemy unscathed. Lets hope our luck can last a while longer. We are in the territory of Distortion Lifeforms now. Be alert, whether they will let us pass unhindered remains unknown. Observe the roadsides for me while I drive.”
The rain began to fall heavily now. In the passing gloom of Ground Zero outside the rain-washed window no intact building stood. Most were leveled, crushed into what is but a large pile of pieced cement and shattered wood. Trees were ripped from their roots and snapped where they were thickest and strongest. Leaves and light plastic rubble swirled in the mustering wind, slapping onto the window but blow away shortly again. In many places traces of Distortion could be noticed: Single walls in absurd places, rubble suspended in the air, steel twisted together in odd shapes as if they were contemporary architectural art made by titans of the mythological past. What most brought disquiet to the company were not these abstract scenes, but of another kind.

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 3
