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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 2(8)

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库
“So at least Giavoni is trying to hold at bay whatever is in side. This looks more like a fortress than a simple wall to prevent people from entering.” Karrson could imagine how difficult it would be to pass this barrier by strength. Luckily they did not have to, and could infiltrate hopefully undiscovered.
“Yes, and no. Yes, they keep the Distortion Lifeforms from destroying everyone outside, but no, they do not, and have not the ability to prevent the area outside from falling into Distortion. Distortion Radiation is a very active and enduring type of ray. Objects scarcely grow less irradiated with time, but will continue to irradiate other objects around them, at the cost of a minimal amount of their own mass. Distortion Radiation will spread it self, and at an ever growing rate.”

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 2

“Great. So the whole word will be a mess in no time. I remember Dr. Kater saying in his recording that something like this will happen in many places other than Caterpool.”
“If that indeed ids their plan, than I am afraid you would be right,” answered Emmerich.
The white wall soon loomed above them. They came within rage of the searchlights, and immediately their eyes were dazzled by their blinding beams. He shielded his eyes. Through the cracks of his fingers he noticed that the visor on his gas mask quickly darkened and filtered the light to an acceptable brightness. Lowering his hand, he saw Emmerich disembarking. He noticed that a line of heavily armed guards now blocked the road some twenty meters in front of them. Emmerich walked out with his hands raised. A guard rushed forward training his rifle on Emmerich, but kept some ten meters of distance. Karrson heard him shout: