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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 2(5)

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库
“Secure your hood comfortably first before you put on your gas mask,” said Emmerich before he instructed them on how to use the masks. “You will find the masks heavier than conventional gas masks, that is due to its including of a computer and several sensors,” explained Emmerich as he attached the sensors in place.There were several on the mask itself, and one that was to be attached on the users neck. “For monitoring health conditions,” Emmerich said. The filter was not a canister screwed into the mask, but was a larger cylinder that was hung on their belts, and was connected to their masks with a pipe. After assembling everything, Karrson placed the mask on his face and adjusted the fastener bands. The mask had a large slightly tilted glass visor that offered better visibility than Karrson had expected. Suddenly, a cool female computer voice rang out in his ears: “Welcome to the Giavoni Innovations mark four user assistance system for use in hazardous environments. It is now 3 a.m.. Analyzing equipment status. Health monitor system: online and normal. Radiation monitor system: online and normal. Weapons monitor system: online and normal. Onboard medical system: module not detected. Life-support system: online and normal. Establishing connection: error, signal jam detected. System check complete, fully operational. Warning: moderate radiation detected. No weapons detected. Filter time remaining: two hours. No mission objective received. Batter power: full. No notes added.”