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【流浪地球】刹车时代(上) 中英文双语对照(12)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库

【流浪地球】刹车时代(上) 中英文双语对照

At the seashore we boarded an archaic vessel called “ ship “ . As we departed the coast, the Earth Engines grew ever more distant. Within a day’s travel, they had disappeared altogether behind us. Before us the ocean was bifurcated by light; in the west, thee azure glow of the Earth Engines’ jets; in the east, the shimmering pink water, illuminated by the Sun’s rays. We sailed straight down thee glittering seam where the two glows met on the ocean’s surface. It was a truly marvelous sight to witness. As our voyage continued, the azure glow lowly waned, while the pink light gradually waxed. With its waxing, unease began to spread across the ship. We children could no longer be seen on deck. Seeking shelter in the belly of the ship, we even drew the porthole blinds tight. One day later, the moment we dreaded most finally arrived. We all gathered in the large cabin that we used as our classroom to hear Ms.Xing’s announcement.