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【流浪地球】刹车时代(上) 中英文双语对照(11)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
我们很快到达了海边,看到摩天大楼的尖顶伸出海面,退潮时白花花的海水从大楼无数的窗子中流出,形成一道道瀑布… …刹车时代刚刚结束,其对地球的影响已触目惊心:地球发动机加速造成的潮汐吞没了北半球三分之二的大城市,发动机带来的全球高温融化了极地冰川,更使这大洪水雪上加霜,波及南半球。爷爷在三十年前亲眼目睹了百米高的巨浪吞没上海的情景,他现在讲这事的时候眼还直勾勾的。事实上,我们的星球还没启程就已经面目全非了,谁知道以后漫长的外太空流浪中,还会有多少苦难在等着我们呢?
After a while, we made our way to the ocean. Standing on the seashore we could see the pinnacles of submerged skuscrapers reaching up out of the waves with the bb of the tide. W beheld thee gleaming whitewash of water rush out of their windows, forming cascades of waterfalls. Back then the Reining Age had only just come to an end, leaving the Erath with the horrifying of its passing. The tides, quickened by the Earth Engines, had swallowed two out of every three cities in the Northern Hemisphere; then the global increase in temperatures melted the polar icecap, turning the ensuing floods into a deluge that spread to thee Southern Hemisphere. Thirty years earlier my grandfather had witnessed giant 300 – foot waves that had engulfed Shanghai. Even now, he could never tell us about it without his gaze slipping into a thousand - mile stare. Our planet had already changed beyond recognition before it even set out on its journey. Who knew what hardships awaited us on our long travels through outer space?