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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 4(2)

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库
“What the hell was that thing, anyway. Looked like a human somewhat.” Hunter inquired.
“That, my friends, was your first sight of a Distortion Life-form. D.L. for short. They are mutated beings, things that once were normal, but were twisted by Distortion. As I have told you before, not all things survive, but should they do so, they become horrible beings, akin to that which we just encountered. It looks human, because it once was human, only now it is no longer one , but a twisted monster. I alone of us saw its face. Gruesome to behold, I tell you. One would not want to look upon it once more.”

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 4

“Are these things unique to themselves, or are there like, um, species of them?” Hunter questioned.
“A shrewd question, my friend. The mutations are random, and are not directed towards any species before they fall into distortion. I do not know whether D.L.s will diverse into species, but we can guess. The rule of nature is that the strong survive and thrive, and the weak pass away into forgetfulness. This will not change. Thus, we may think that if the certain D.L.s happen to mutate into beings that are fit to survive, while not compromising their capability to multiply, in time they may become what we can call a species. Evolution will be faster than ever under the influence of Distortion, so what may the D.L.s come to in the future none can tell for certain. We fear for the survival of mankind verily due to this. Humans, though it sounds sad, may be eliminated. If we cannot survive in face of the threats that have now appeared, we will eventually die out. The last human will be killed, and no man shall never walk the earth in waking memory once more. But do not despair. Have faith in humanity’s faculty to adapt! Hope shall never diminish or extinguish!” Emmerich ended gravely.