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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 1(6)

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库
The now ran towards the rear of the school, a part now wholly dark and desolate. A drizzle of rain began to fall, as the followed the back of Emmerich into the dark. Karrson touched his hand, now wet with the rain drops, and found that they were covered in wet dust. The rain carried more dust down, even as water and dust rained in union.
Emmerich in front of him suddenly came to a halt, and nearly slipped on the ground now covered with a layer of wet dust. Karrson saw that they were now beside an off-roader, slightly upgraded and modified. Emmerich searched in his pockets.

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 1

“This is your car?” Karrson asked, as he stood beside him.
“Yes,” he replied. Put your rucksacks in the rear, but keep the weapons and ammo. We might need them.” Emmerich pulled open the driver’s door and embarked.
Karrson waited for Hunter and thew their packs into the boot. He found other enforced boxes of unknown content inside.
“I’m ridding shotgun,” laughed Karrson.
“Fine, whatever. I don’t bother about that,” chuckled Hunter, as they climbed in.
“I have much to tell you on the way,” said Emmerich as he started the car. “You two must listen attentively. It will decide the outcome of this operation.”