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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter IV part 2(6)

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库
“Any proof you’ve got?” The guard rubbed his bleary eyes with dark shadows under them. Karrson realized he must look just as bad, for he haven’t had a minute of sleep for neigh twenty hours.
“Well, no, cause they just told us this and sent us off, and they themselves left in a rush,” said Karrson, trying to look innocent like a boy going to the bathroom suddenly told to help carry stuff for people instead of some conspirator who planned on stealing from the armory with intentions of his own.

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter IV part 2

“Fine. Fair enough. Lemme grab then stuff. You guys wait outside.” The guard yard and unlocked the password-locked door and went inside, shutting the door after himself.
Hunter looked at Karrson with disbelief. The latter merely winked at him at put his finger to his lips.
A while later, the guard emerged, laden with gear.
“Here you go. Careful, these are full power rifles, not toys and they do weigh a bit combined with the other gear. Darn, those Giavoni guys are real inconsiderate, those two had juust gotten off duty. Go now, and get back to your classes as soon as you’re done.” The guard handed them the gear.