解释性翻译在科幻文学翻译中的运用 ——以《星球大战》衍生宇宙小说为例 (第四部分)(18)
The first miner was hit in the chest, the other in the stomach. Both died instantly.
……Crouching by the first one, she made a quick examination. ……The cause of death was obvious: a blaster bolt to the chest. ……She found the second body the same: a dead miner, shot in the chest.
(Dynasty of Evil)
① 此处可能是作者的一个疏忽,上一章写到两人中枪的位置,是一个在胸口,一个在腹部。
The first miner was hit in the chest, the other in the stomach. Both died instantly.
……Crouching by the first one, she made a quick examination. ……The cause of death was obvious: a blaster bolt to the chest. ……She found the second body the same: a dead miner, shot in the chest.
(Dynasty of Evil)
① 此处可能是作者的一个疏忽,上一章写到两人中枪的位置,是一个在胸口,一个在腹部。