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花样年华 1:Everything Started from Here 一切从这里开始-柾国(2)

2023-03-27JKBTS果果防弹少年团田柾国柾国 来源:百合文库
There wasn’t much to do on the beach, our impulsive destination. “Let’s race.” HoSeok suggested suddenly and ran ahead. Everyone else gave chase but soon gave up. It was too hot. NamJoon brought a torn parasol he found somewhere. All seven of us lay down under the parasol. Sunlight passed through the tears in the parasol. Round spots of sunlight continued to move bit by bit, and we wriggled to dodge them.
“Do you want to go see this rock?” HoSeok held up his phone. There was a photo of a large rock on a beach. “They say, if you yell out your dream towards the sea while standing on this rock, it will come true.” JiMin took the phone and looked at the photo. “Isn’t a bit far? It’s at least 3.5k.m from here.” YoonGi rolled over. “I’m not going. I don’t have any dream in the first place. Even if I did, I wouldn’t walk 3.5km in this heat…
. No way.” TaeHyung sprang to his feet. “I’m going.”
“你想去看看这块石头吗?”号锡举起他的手机。这是一张海滩上一块大石头的照片。“他们说,如果你站在这块岩石上对着大海大声喊出你的梦想,它就会实现。”智旻拿过电话,看着照片。“是不是有点远啊? 从这里过去至少是3.5千米。”玧其翻了个身。“我不去。我根本就没有梦想。即使我这么做了,我也不会在这么热的天气里走3.5公里……不可能的。”泰亨跳了起来。“我去。”