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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 2(11)

2023-12-21 来源:百合文库

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter V part 2

Emmerich loaded his rifle. “The checkpoint is just ahead. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best,” he said gravely.
They pulled into the checkpoint. There were only a few guards there, no more than the usual amount. Perhaps they really were going to let them through, or did they do so only to avoid rousing suspicion from their prey, and thought them not much of fighters? Karrson could not perceive. Emmerich got off and walked towards a guard, but the latter immediately pounced towards him, only to be avoided by Emmerich in a swift motion. Karrson and Hunter both known now what they had to do. Time felt slow now. He slammed the door on a passing guard and knocked him to the ground. Hunter felled another with six well directed shots. Karrson held his breath. He had to kill the guard that was now already on his knees. His fingers shook and hesitated before pulled the trigger on the fallen guard before him. A burst of three rounds in his left leg, fracturing his bones. He had be incapacitated at least. Karrson approached and slammed his boot into the his face. He felt something soft break. The guard was knocked out. He had no time to look at him again. Many more men had now rushed into the checkpoint. He saw Emmerich firing from behind a low wall of sandbags built as a makeshift fence. He ran to his side and crashed against the hard and bags as the sound of gunfire deafened his ears. Hunter was taking cover behind the car, swapping magazines.