飞向星空54 永恒的青春1(个人翻译) (注:前面的章节可在专栏搜索UP“风若兮未(8)
She closed her eyes for a moment. It might have been barely possible to try and keep all this among magical girls only, but that was both difficult and unnecessary. As both the document and Sayaka had alluded [14]to, the MSY had techniques for "verifying" and, if necessary, purifying both ordinary humans and AIs. It would make things easier, bringing others in, even if it meant expending resources.
It wasn't just that, she knew. That was all true, but she had reasons of her own for wanting to tell MG, and it wasn't just that she would have difficulty operating if her own advisory AI didn't know the truth.
It… sickened her on some level to know that MG, who she had designed and raised herself, might be compromised in some way. There was no other way to put it. Still, they had to keep the circle of knowledge small until they knew what they were dealing with.
She shook her head at herself, and was for the briefest of moments glad that she was in Sayaka's Paris hideaway, rather than in one of her offices. Here at least they could show their dismay [15]openly.
It wasn't just that, she knew. That was all true, but she had reasons of her own for wanting to tell MG, and it wasn't just that she would have difficulty operating if her own advisory AI didn't know the truth.
It… sickened her on some level to know that MG, who she had designed and raised herself, might be compromised in some way. There was no other way to put it. Still, they had to keep the circle of knowledge small until they knew what they were dealing with.
She shook her head at herself, and was for the briefest of moments glad that she was in Sayaka's Paris hideaway, rather than in one of her offices. Here at least they could show their dismay [15]openly.