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飞向星空54 永恒的青春1(个人翻译) (注:前面的章节可在专栏搜索UP“风若兮未(7)

That's the headliner here, at least. I'm sure you didn't expect to read that in my report, but I thought it behooved [13]me to put important things first.
Yuma paused her recollection of the text when Sayaka looked over at her, dusting it with a burst of red magic.
"We always thought a day like this might come," she said, shaking her head slowly.
"It is possible the soul mage, and Simona herself, are being misled," Yuma commented, "but we have to take what is being said here seriously."
"Yes," Sayaka said. "Fortunately, we have preparations for that kind of thing. This isn't the first time someone has targeted the TCF."
"Yes," Yuma agreed.
For a moment she stood there, watching Sayaka where she sat. There was no need to clarify the reference. They both knew what she was referring to. Sayaka more than most.