飞向星空54 永恒的青春1(个人翻译) (注:前面的章节可在专栏搜索UP“风若兮未(5)
— Excerpt, "Introductory Reading for New Governance Representatives".
Yuma frowned as she watched Sayaka read the document for what was probably the fifth time. Obviously bothered by its contents, she held an odd, pinched expression, a grimace [9]seeming to travel back and forth[10] from one section of her face to another.
By the decision of Simona's soul mage, the document was written on what appeared to be old‐fashioned paper, but was actually self‐destructing on the molecular level, and would no longer exist in an hour or so, assuming they forgot to just toss it in a fire. One of the jokes she barely remembered from childhood had come to pass[11], though that sheet of paper wouldn't explode or anything as dramatic as that. Just disintegrate.
After that, the contents of those words would only exist in three places—in the minds of the soul mage, Sayaka, and Yuma. Yuma would have preferred to sample the memories directly, but the telepath with the relevant talent was still en route[12], and she didn't think it wise to transmit this one electronically.
Yuma frowned as she watched Sayaka read the document for what was probably the fifth time. Obviously bothered by its contents, she held an odd, pinched expression, a grimace [9]seeming to travel back and forth[10] from one section of her face to another.
By the decision of Simona's soul mage, the document was written on what appeared to be old‐fashioned paper, but was actually self‐destructing on the molecular level, and would no longer exist in an hour or so, assuming they forgot to just toss it in a fire. One of the jokes she barely remembered from childhood had come to pass[11], though that sheet of paper wouldn't explode or anything as dramatic as that. Just disintegrate.
After that, the contents of those words would only exist in three places—in the minds of the soul mage, Sayaka, and Yuma. Yuma would have preferred to sample the memories directly, but the telepath with the relevant talent was still en route[12], and she didn't think it wise to transmit this one electronically.