飞向星空54 永恒的青春1(个人翻译) (注:前面的章节可在专栏搜索UP“风若兮未(3)
Caught out by this unexpected turn of events, Governance was forced to quickly adopt a series of mitigation [4]mechanisms—even if it trusted the MSY, the MSY itself couldn't guarantee that its agents would never turn malicious.
〈The measures ultimately adopted were a combination of classical security techniques and techniques pioneered by the MSY itself, which obviously had as much of a need for networks and computers as anyone else. They included:
1. Compartmentalization of systems to avoid the spread of compromise, including the physical isolation of critical systems, the distribution of key systems over multiple locations, and the separation of secrets. Mostly, this meant the reinstatement of policies that had been revoked during the long peace.
2. Obfuscation, preventing the spread of knowledge that there was anything to find, where it was, or what it was.〉① 〈Likewise, strictly limiting knowledge of—or outright lying about—the kinds of magical breaches [5]that were possible.
〈The measures ultimately adopted were a combination of classical security techniques and techniques pioneered by the MSY itself, which obviously had as much of a need for networks and computers as anyone else. They included:
1. Compartmentalization of systems to avoid the spread of compromise, including the physical isolation of critical systems, the distribution of key systems over multiple locations, and the separation of secrets. Mostly, this meant the reinstatement of policies that had been revoked during the long peace.
2. Obfuscation, preventing the spread of knowledge that there was anything to find, where it was, or what it was.〉① 〈Likewise, strictly limiting knowledge of—or outright lying about—the kinds of magical breaches [5]that were possible.