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The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1(5)

The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1

Another thing to mention. Adam is never allowed to leave the mansion without anyone accompanying him. One night, Adam wanted to step outside to just have a walk and Mark would come with him. They would have small talk about the place and everything and Adam’s life back in his universe. Then Mark would tell Adam to be careful with what he says or does and to not let the cheery bright colors of everything blind him. Before Adam would ask what he meant, Mark would stop walking and stay silent then ask Adam to check if “he” was watching. Adam would turn back to the mansion and see the silhouette of Cesar by the window, with the curtains slightly peeking out. Mark suggests that it’s best to go back inside as it was getting late. That night, Adam couldn’t sleep well, he would wonder what Mark had meant. He heard his door open to see it was Jonah. He had a small box in his hand and claimed it was a gift for being so friendly. Adam would open it up and see it was yet another apple themed accessory (an earring even though his ears weren’t even pierced). That’s when Adam noticed Jonah had a sad expression on his face. He would ask what is wrong and Jonah told him that Mark told him everything about missing the “other Jonah”. He would then plead Adam to not even think about leaving the place as Adam means so much to him and that he often felt lonely until he came. Adam really didn’t feel good about how he worded it so he claimed he’d think about it as he was tired. 