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The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1(3)

The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1

Adam heard humming coming from behind him to see someone who looked exactly like Jonah, but wearing a yellow coat and lemon accessories carrying a basket full of candied apples. Jonah didn’t recognize Adam, so he thought he was a complete stranger. He says hello and basically welcomes Adam to the place. Adam is confused on how Jonah doesn’t recognize him at all, which would cause Adam to mention that this Jonah is different from the one he knows back at home. Moving on, Jonah would soon introduce Adam to the others Cesar and Mark. They all lived in a huge mansion made of candy. 

The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1
