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Just a bet 第一章(上) 中英译文(36)

2024-04-12同人文达荧公荧汉化文 来源:百合文库

Just a bet  第一章(上) 中英译文

现在只剩下柴尔德一个人了,他震惊地盯着副驾驶座看了好一会儿。他的脸上写满了困惑,不明白刚才发生了什么。她很穷,却没有收他的礼物,也没有骗他的东西。他根本不知道这代表他们是什么关系... ... 女孩子们通常只是利用他来得到一些东西,一直都是这样。约会一段时间,用礼物纵容她们,操到她们脑子空白,分手,循环往复。冷漠,无情,利用。
That was… normal, wasn’t it?
She was halfway up the stairs to the second-floor apartment when she realised she was still wearing his coat. A quiet curse leaving her lips she started back down, only to pause, rain pelting the door that led to the outside, no guarantee that he was still out there, fuck it.

Just a bet  第一章(上) 中英译文
