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The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter IV part 1(3)

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库
Karrson could understand their decision, and made up his mind that except he and Hunter no one else would believe. He called Hunter, and against the rules they opened the door and stepped out. A teacher patrolling the corridor outside saw them and said “Hey you two get back into your rooms!”
“Bathroom, sir,” answered Karrson.
“Make it quick!”
“Yes sir,” and with that he hurried off with Hunter towards the bathroom. They entered, and Karrson explained to Hunter that there was another recording yet unheard. It was titled “For the ears of receiver of this recorder only.”

The Pathless on Paths---------Chapter IV part 1

“Well, that’s you right? But you obviously want me to listen to it with you, or you wouldn’t have brought me, would you?” Hunter said with with sly grin. “Yes, you save me many words my friend,” replied Karrson has he hit the “Play” button.
“If you are hearing this, than I assume that his recorder has, by my associate Dr. Emmit Noah’s hands, been passed to a worthy individual. Disregard what I have said in the recording before about warning people. It’s useless. Verily by the choice of Dr. Noah you were given a task, an errand, if wish to call it so, that concerns the life and death of our civilization, at least the one that we are familiar with, and not other humans who spring up after our entire planet has gone into Distortion, if you get me. I have made a countermeasure, what it is I cannot tell you, for I have no time to explain. Come and find, or perhaps rescue ME instead, and I will activate it. Certainly Givoni will have me in custody soon, when they find out that I’ve been working against them ever since they signed that sinful contract with the military. But they won’t dare to kill me, I am too important, the key of their success in their plan, whatever it may be. I have a few acquaintances in Giavoni, and I have made sure that this recorder will be delivered to Dr. Noah, and that I will be held at room -105, sector V of the Giavoni Caterpool Complex, below the oringinal Giavoni Tower site, but underground.(Door banging noises) Oh shit, here they come. Good luck to you! (a less audible “I do hope this reaches the right hands.”)”