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【流浪地球】逃逸时代(上) 中英文双语对照(7)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
My father was an astronaut serving the space fleet’s Low Earth Orbit Wing. He was on the job almost constantly and I rarely saw him at home. I remember that in the fifth year of the Earth’s acceleration, our entire family visited the seaside as the planet reached its aphelion. For us Aphelion Day was a holiday much like New Year or Christmas. At the furthest point from thee Sun, we could indulge in a false sense of security. We still need to wear thermal suits to go to the surface. To keep us warm, these suits were fully sealed and powered by nuclear batteries. Once outside, the building light of the Earth Engines’ plasma jets was almost that we could see. The brilliant glow of this forest of energy beams seemed to swallow the entire world. We had to travel for many hours in our flying car before wee managed to escape their glow and we were actually able to see the sunlit seashore. The Sun itself had become tiny, no larger than a baseball. It hung in the sky, utterly unmoving, it distant rays only illuminating that one area with dawn – like light. Around us, the sky was the deepest blue we had ever seen and in it the tars were clearly visible. Looking into the distance, I for a moment wondered where the ocean had gone. Now before my eye there was only a vast white, icy plain stretching to the horizon. A large group of revelers had gathered on the frozen ocean, shooting fireworks into the dark blue sky. The mood of the celebration was truly extraordinary. All around I could see drunken party – goers rolling on the ice as my ears were assaulted by songs being belted out. It seemed that no one could agree on which song would be appropriate, leading to a cacophony of voices, all trying to outdo each other at the top of their lungs.