飞向星空55 新视野3(个人翻译)注:前文可搜索B站专栏“ 风若兮未”(9)
She realized quickly that they were getting closer to the towers they had seen before, and began to grasp the organization of the city. Where they had been was sparse, closer to the outskirts. Where they were going was denser. Even here, the idea of a city was the same.
Something iridescent [26]passed by her, another flier, and then Azrael pulled them into a slight bank, Ryouko's wings tugging [27]slightly at her shoulders as she followed. Before she knew it, they were surrounded by other fliers, in a raucous [28]collection of color, and in a miracle of synchronized flying they appeared to hover almost in place, the whole group following what she realized was a lead drone craft, there to slice the air and let them fly more smoothly in its wake.
It wasn't difficult—no harder than walking—in the thick, comforting air, and she remembered that Azrael needed powered assistance in the thinner atmospheres of most colonized worlds. It had to feel terrible.