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飞向星空55 新视野3(个人翻译)注:前文可搜索B站专栏“ 风若兮未”(7)

2023-05-15 来源:百合文库
She felt her wings stretching out, the air itself seeming to catch her like… a pillow, perhaps. Analogies failed her.
This is amazing, Patricia thought, appearing at Ryouko's side as they flew forward. She was stating the obvious, but something had to be said, and it obviously wasn't a good idea to yell at each other with the air roaring in their ears.

飞向星空55 新视野3(个人翻译)注:前文可搜索B站专栏“ 风若兮未”

They pulled to a stop near Azrael and Asami, who were doing large, sweeping circles in the air—more precisely, they tried to stop, but Ryouko was finding that the slower she tried to move, the harder she had to beat her wings, and the wind was ever‐insistent, pulling her forward in a way that seemed to suggest, not so gently, where she wanted to go.
This is nice, isn't it? Azrael thought, her tone almost embarrassed. There's nothing quite like it. You're better off following the wind, by the way—most of it is artificial, it's how we maintained the skylanes. Maybe someday I'll take you offlane, but this is alright for now.