飞向星空55 新视野3(个人翻译)注:前文可搜索B站专栏“ 风若兮未”(5)
Azrael soared back in front of them, dozens of meters away, watching as they peered skeptically over the edge.
Ryouko found herself staring down into what seemed like a measureless void, cascading clouds forming a solid wall that dipped down into infinity. It was daunting, even as Clarisse whispered to her that the simulation was dampening [15]her fear response.
Before she was finished looking, though, Asami had vaulted [16]off the edge, taking a running jump without even looking down, which was probably the right thing to do. Ryouko remembered, then, that Asami had fought in the depths of space, and limitless voids were merely a fact of life[17].
She watched Asami dive downwards, wings catching on air and bringing her slowly, inexorably to a stall, before a few powerful flaps sent her climbing back up.