飞向星空55 新视野3(个人翻译)注:前文可搜索B站专栏“ 风若兮未”(4)
"It's really pretty though, in its own way," Patricia said.
"That it is," Azrael said, stretching her wings out as she gazed at said towers, closing her nictating membranes against the sun, which was breaking its way over the towers at that very moment. The timing was obviously unnatural, driven by the simulation, but it was breathtaking nonetheless.
"If you feel scared, remember that this is only a simulation," she said, turning to face them, wings spread. "And remember that the simulation will not let you fail. Follow me."
Then she pushed herself off the edge, tipping [13]backwards headfirst [14]and allowing herself to fall, a winged silhouette against the sun.