飞向星空54 永恒的青春1(个人翻译) (注:前面的章节可在专栏搜索UP“风若兮未(13)
The sponsoring group had kept them secret from Governance, as part of an audacious gambit. They were the answer to the question: If Governance were potentially compromised, how could it possibly hope to fix its own problems, if its own agents might be compromised? The answer there lay with magical girls, and ensuring that in some sense the right hand couldn't know what the left hand was doing.
But a conspiracy like that was always short of manpower, and so had killed two birds with one stone. She and her sisters had been given a short, relatively normal childhood, but their growth to adulthood had been accelerated far more than Governance typically allowed. They represented a hedge of bets: on the one hand, adult agents for the conspiracy, on the other, a small chance of an eventual contract. They had, after all, been carefully pieced together from the recorded genomes of some of the most powerful magical girls who had ever lived.
The sponsoring group had kept them secret from Governance, as part of an audacious gambit. They were the answer to the question: If Governance were potentially compromised, how could it possibly hope to fix its own problems, if its own agents might be compromised? The answer there lay with magical girls, and ensuring that in some sense the right hand couldn't know what the left hand was doing.
But a conspiracy like that was always short of manpower, and so had killed two birds with one stone. She and her sisters had been given a short, relatively normal childhood, but their growth to adulthood had been accelerated far more than Governance typically allowed. They represented a hedge of bets: on the one hand, adult agents for the conspiracy, on the other, a small chance of an eventual contract. They had, after all, been carefully pieced together from the recorded genomes of some of the most powerful magical girls who had ever lived.