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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.(7)

2023-04-27阿门罗 来源:百合文库
The hamster skidded to a halt before Thane,panting,"If only you'd got here sooner!That beast attacked while we waited for you.He killed Sir Heimdall!"
"That's our contact Thane!"Sil whispered.
"He's dead?"Thane asked,aghast.
Heimdall's squire wailed dramatically,"Misery!Tragedy!Woe!How can I go on?"She paused briefly,"Oh well.You looking for a squire?"
Thane gaped at her,"That was...sudden?"
Sil nudged him,"She could come in handy,Thane."
Thane shook himself,"Alright,you can come with us.Consider it a service to Sir Heimdall."
The squire perked up immediately,"I have a new master!Pika Potts at your service,sir.I'll follow you to the ends of the earth!"She stretched and yawned expansively,"Right after a nap.I need sleep."
"And my feet still hurt."Sil agreed.
Thane had spent the remainder of the night in the room that Heimdall had hired at the inn.When the sun rose he went to see off the cart that carried the knight's casket,draped in a Wolf Clan banner-black on blue.The cart was headed for the Ash Tribe's castle town at Highwatch.