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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.(8)

2023-04-27阿门罗 来源:百合文库
"Would you care to say a few words,Lord Thane?"The cart's driver,an old dog,asked him.
Thane placed a hand on the casket,"I regret I couldn't have met you.But I know you served the clan with honour,with valor.Pack strong."
"Sir?"Thane turned to see Pika approaching,carrying a large,overstuffed pack."I gathered up some of my master's supplies.I'm sure they'll be useful."
Thane drew in a deep a breath,glancing at the cart as it pulled away before turning back to the squire."Thank you,Pika."
"Let's get going.You should look through the journals you recovered."
Thane retrieved the papers that the attacker had dropped during the struggle and scanned through the hastily scribbled notes.Mostly it just seemed like the ravings of a madman;including some particularly vivid imagery about a rising tide of worms and clawing,throttling brambles.He flipped to the last few pages.There was some mention of coming into possession of a poppet,a powerful tool of black magic,and suspicions about Heimdall's arrival in Southbank.Finally he found a passage about a camp set up in a stone circle somewhere to the north of town.