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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.(6)

2023-04-27阿门罗 来源:百合文库
"Here we are sir."Sil said."And in good time too."
"Still some time before dawn.This knight of ours should be waiting near the gates."Thane reined in his horse at the stables.Inside the town he could make out a wide dirt road lit by street lamps,a few townsfolk going to and fro between the buildings.
"There's an inn a little way down the road from here."Sil said as he dismounted,"We'll probably find him there."
There was a sudden commotion from the direction Sil had indicated and a grey robed figure burst out from a knot of people,face hidden by a hood,a blood stained knife clutched in one hand and a satchel slung over a shoulder.The figure made a dash for the gates,leaving a shocked crowd in their wake.A moment later a plump hamster wearing a yellow and black doublet and an iron half helm appeared from the doorway of the inn and gave chase.
The hamster spotted Thane and called out,"Thane!Stop him!"
Thane leaped clear of the saddle,landing in a crouch in front of the fleeing figure who tried to dodge past,clumsily swinging his knife at the wolf's ribs.Thane's left hand flicked out,pushing away the assailant's wrist,his right wrapping around the hilt of his sword.He struck out with Grimfrost's pommel as he half drew the sword,and the robed figure doubled up under the blow with a grunt.Thane scrabbled to grasp his opponent,his fingers closing on the strap of the satchel,but before he could land another attack the robed figure twisted away and pulled free,vanishing into the darkness.Thane was left with sword still half drawn;the satchel hanging from his other hand upended itself,spilling a loosely bound sheaf of paper onto the ground.